


Assignment 1






This report looks at globalisation and what that means for education, it will explore what the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation are at present and will conclude with final thoughts and recommendations. To complete this report, a literature search was conducted, and findings are referenced throughout.


Globalisation is a word for something that has reached people across the globe, it is the integration of humans, social, economic and technological skills to enhance outcomes for the world as a whole (Metz,2013). It can be witnessed in many forms; business, trade, technology, social and education, these are just some examples. Some of the main businesses to achieve globalisation are companies such as McDonalds, Starbucks, Facebook etc these are fast expanding businesses that can be found around the world (Metz, 2013).


Globalisation is something that is important to world leaders and politicians it is also believed by Ulrich Beck, 2015, that it is the new “Scare” word among politicians, this may be because it has helped to lead to populism, a way for Politician’s to get voters by scaring the population into thinking something is good or bad for their own professional gain (Economist, 2016). Globalisation is something that is growing rapidly with no signs of slowing down (Beck, 2015). It seems to be a way in which some leaders and those in power gain more power over those who are less fortunate however there are some places in which Globalisation has been a saviour and has helped a country to develop and move forward such as Peru, India and china (Kotilainen and Kaitila, 2002)

There are many advantages and disadvantages to globalisation and that seems to depend on your status in society, where you live, your religion and your culture.  In a world where equality is seen as a right that each individual should be granted it is clear that is some areas of the world, such as some African countries, that this is not the case (Bigman, 2002).


There are many people that Look at globalisation with a positive outlook, these people are referred to as pro-globalists. it seems that globalisation has the power and possible potential to enhance the outcomes for all if done correctly. Globalisation enables people to come together, it opens various opportunities across the world (Metz, 2013) especially since travelling between countries became easier.


Looking at how globalisation helps economies grow means that those living in that country would benefit from a better standard of living, they have better social and economic integration, better employment opportunities, a higher standard of education and it raises efficiency (Bigman, 2002).


Globalisation has helped individuals to express themselves more freely, and share ideas through the internet, it has given people the freedom to learn new cultures and share their own culture with others, it has also helped some of those individuals to accept different cultures with more understanding. Globalisation of the internet has allowed people to know what is happening around the world without being there which in turn has allowed people to offer their help to those in need (Metz, 2013).

By making information sharing easier and more accessible it sees a rise in education, helping underdeveloped countries to improve, helping the economy and improves international exchange (Bigman, 2002)


Although Globalisation has lots of advantages, there are also a lot of people who feel there are also many disadvantages. These people are seen as Anti-Globalists. There are two main examples of this in the media today, in the UK Brexit is the biggest anti globalist movement fronted by Theresa May (Prime Minister of the UK) and in America Donald Trump (President of the USA) presents as Anti Globalists who believe that they are better off if they close themselves off from the rest of the world and put their country first (unknown, 2017).


Some people believe that Globalisation does not enrich the lives of the average person but that it benefits the rich (GEP, 2014) multinational and trans national companies feed upon the needs of undeveloped countries and often they drain natural resources and move on to the next place leaving the country to pick up the pieces, often placing them back where they started without benefiting the country for the long term (Dinescu, 2017).


Big companies go to underdeveloped countries with the front that they will help to enhance the country’s economy and allow it to begin to develop and produce an economy that can withstand time however it often comes clear that companies have a global greed, they tend to increase inequality between the weak and the strong (Bigman, 2012), companies do not always think of the environment or the locals and what they stand to lose when they are looking at the face of profit and maximising their reach (Metz, 2013). This outlook often tends to increase corruption between leaders in power in countries that are developing or underdeveloped (Hamdi, 2013) especially in those countries that are communised such as China, or the poorer countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo where the land is rich with minerals however the leader runs a tough nation where war is common and the standard of living is poor (Kotilainen and Kaitila, 2002).

Globalisation sometimes leads to the destruction of national identity, destroying culture, language and traditions due to the migration of individuals who arrive with companies, education services and even those who are sent to help countries (Bigman, 2012), often these changes cannot be reversed and it leaves countries in a much worse position than what they were in before (unknown, 2017), this links to the British Brexit decision, and the work of President Donald Trump and the plans to put America first, President Trump is a prime example of how politicians use populism to strengthen their own ideas of a future world that aids to their own agenda.


As the world grows every day in cyber technology and the global takeover of the internet, globalisation has seen for a greater need for cyber security, which in turn increasing the gap between the rich and poor, those who can afford to use technology and those who cannot (Garten, 2016).





Since beginning this report, it has become clear, that although both sides of the globalisation argument make perfect sense, for the future of the world it is important that globalisation continues and education is put as the forefront of all future endeavours, it is clear that without knowledge of the world and what each country has to offer in an equal bid to help the world survive, it will not.


It is clear that lack of knowledge of each other is among one of the reasons that there is war and inequality, conflicts over religion, resources, culture and much more. It seems that all is needed is some patience and understanding and some of these issues would become insignificant.


A recommendation that education is changed to incorporate understanding and respect for each other and begin to incorporate what each county could learn from another, by sharing views, opinions, cultures and traditions and allowing each person to choose for themselves how to live life.


Another recommendation for education would be to teach individuals how to be a caring and considerate human being, teach life skills and educate countries in their home traditions and cultures, then introduce those from around the world with equal importance, this would then minimise the destruction of cultures, language and traditions, but encourage respect, interest and understanding.

Health and Education are among the basic needs for a developing country to achieve and improve outcomes for the people who live there, health and education help to increase outcomes for children and their families, this in turn helps to increase life expectancy, living standards and economic growth which in turn helps the country to develop further and become more independent with better outcomes for the population.


The global aim is for sustainable education, an education system that allows individuality, accessible for all and equality regardless of income, status or gender.


Instead of large companies, politicians and education services invading underdeveloped countries from the inside out, they should provide support to enable these countries to teach their traditions, cultures and opinions, with the added knowledge of the world as a whole, it is not a one size fits all world and the only way for peace and unity is to educate each other with knowledge, respect, understanding and freewill, only then will the world begin to flourish with equality.








Asongu, S.A (2017) “Does Globalisation promote good governance in Africa? An Empirical Study across 51 countries” World Affairs, Vol 180 No. 2 pp.105-141[online] available from: Bolton.summon.seialsolutions.com ezproxy.bolton.ac.uk [accessed 18.02.18]

Beck, U (2015) “What is Globalization?” Suhrkamp Verlag: Germany

Bigman, D. (2002) “Globalization and the Developing Countries: Emerging Strategies” [online] available from: https://books.google.co.uk/books?isbn=184593338

Dinescu, A, G (2017) “The Future of Globalization: Challenges of the Knowledge Society” Vol 7, pp 832-837 Nicolae Titulescu University: Romania [online] available from: https://doaj.org/article/74909d97f7a34717b44d/ec8499c8a43Discover @ Bolton [accessed 11.02.2018]

Garten, J (2016) “The need for Cyber Security” (unable to find reference link at time of writing bibliography)

GEP (2014) “Complex Social, Economic and Political links between people and the impact that changes have on each other” [online] available from: www.globaleducation.edu.au/global-education/what-are-global-perspectives.html[accessed 04.02.2018] Education services Australia

Hamdi, F. (2013) “The Impact of Globalization in the Developing Countries” Administration Technical Institute. Duhok Polytechnic University: Iraq – Kurdistan Region Vol 3 No 11

Hnapovska, L. and Karpova, V. (2016) “Globalisation and Innovations in Education: Pros and Cons” Naukovi Zaspiski Ternopil’s Kogo National’nogo Pedagogicnogo University Meni Volodimira Gnatuka, Seria Pedagogika No.4 pp 202-210 [online] available from: Bolton.summon.serialsolutions.com ezproxy.bolton.ac.uk [accessed 18.02.2018]

Kotilainen, M. and Kaitila, V. (2002) “Economic Globalisation in Developing Countries” The Journal of Economic in Developing Countries. Pp70

Metz, F. (2013) “Globalization. Advantages and Disadvantages” [online] available from: https://books.google.co.uk/books?isbn=3656477663[accessed 18.02.2018]

Unknown, (2017) “Trump, Brexit, Right-Wing Anti-Globalisation and an uncertain future for public health” Arms for Public Health Vol 4, No. 2 PP139-148

Unknown, (2016) “What does Margeret Thather tell us about the future of globalisation?” Foreign Policy No 217 pp 34-35: Washington [online] available from: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.bolton.ac.uk/docuview/176894535-72openurlrefld=info:xri/:sumwlom&accountid=9653




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